Web-based software is software you use over the internet with a web browser.
You don’t have to install any CDs, download any software, or worry about upgrades.
FFReporting Sales Force Automation SFA software is on World Wide Web (WWW) compatible with any device browser and accessible from anywhere around the world. Access Sales Force Automation SFA software through browsers of computer, laptop, tablet, phablet, android phones, or any other phone.
Why is web based Sales Force Automation SFA software better for your business?
When you use web-based software you don’t have to worry about anything technical — you can just do your work. We handle all the security and uptime and backups and upgrades and “IT guy” stuff. You can stay focused on what you’re good at and we’ll handle the rest.It gives you an advantage of not spending on any IT infrastructure. You don’t need to have any servers, no maintenance cost as well.

Web-based software is safer
With traditional software, employees save data on their laptops, USB drives, or portable hard drives. It’s not as safe as it sounds. Laptops are stolen, computers are rarely backed up properly, and it’s unlikely everyone’s machines are up to date with the latest security patches and updates. When you use our web-based software, your data is stored on secure, always-updated, backed-up daily enterprise-class servers in a state-of-the-art, highly-secure data center.
You can get to it from anywhere. Safe, secure, and password protected, of course.